Cookie policy
MedEnvision uses cookies in order to adapt its websites to your needs and preferences. You may decline to accept cookies. Should you do this, we would like to warn you that our websites will not function at their best. You may be unable to access certain services that we offer on our websites.
If you do not refuse to accept the generation of cookies and you choose the ‘continue’ option, MedEnvision will consider that you accept its cookies.
This cookie policy must be read in conjunction with the privacy policy of MedEnvision, which can also be found on this website.
This cookie policy can be amended, for example, in connection with new features on the website. We therefore recommend that you regularly consult this cookie policy. This version of the cookie policy was last modified on 1 January 2020.
MedEnvision cookies
When you view our website, we automatically collect information through the use of cookies. We (may) also use other technologies such as pixel tags, browser analysis tools, server logs and web beacons for similar purposes as described in this policy, and these may be included in our mailings. These technologies allow us to determine whether our messages were opened and whether the links were clicked. The information provided below about cookies also applies to these technologies.
You will find more detailed information on cookies below, in a Q&A form.If you have further questions about this website or about this cookie policy, please
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file generated by the website you are viewing and stored in the browser ofyour computer or your mobile device – Smartphone, iPhone, iPad, etc. A cookie contains a codewhich can only be read by the server which placed it there. The server therefore does not have accessto other information on your computer or mobile device.
How is a cookie file created?
Composition of a cookie file:
• The name of the server which generated the cookie file
• An expiry date
• A unique numerical code
What is a cookie used for?
Cookies allow us to optimise the user experience of the visitor of one of our websites. This willinclude helping you to navigate more quickly and more easily between the different sections of thewebsite or adapting the content of our websites to your personal preferences, such as your languagepreferences.
Where can I find these cookies?
The cookies are stored in a separate file from the browser of your computer or your mobile device.
What is a ‘session cookie’?
The purpose of this cookie is to recognize your browser during your visit to our websites.
What is a ‘permanent cookie’?
The purpose of this cookie is to recognize your browser when you return to our websites.
Which cookies are essential?
If you deactivate essential cookies, you will notice that some parts of our websites are not working ornot working as they should. MedEnvision uses this type of cookie when you fill in a form or in orderto add comments to its blogs, for example. MedEnvision uses the ‘essential cookies’ when you areseeking to identify yourself in order to open your personal account. These cookies allow us to checkyour identity securely before giving you access to personal information which you have provided.
What is a ‘functionality cookie’?
As their name would suggest, these cookies ensure that our websites are working optimally in order tomake your browsing experience pleasant and personalized. MedEnvision uses ‘functionality cookies’to ‘memorize’ your personal preferences and avoid sending you the same information duringsubsequent visits, when you are participating in an initiative for example.
What is a ‘performance cookie’?
MedEnvision uses ‘performance cookies’ to collect information regarding the way in which you useour websites so that we can adapt and improve the content and make it more user-friendly. Thesecookies record, for example, the number of visitors per page or the language in which the website ismost frequently viewed.
What is a ‘third party cookie’?
Third-party cookies come from advertisements posted by third parties on MedEnvision’s websites.The purpose is to adapt advertisements and/or their content to your personal preferences. Thesecookies are only visible if you have not deactivated them. Under no circumstances does the use ofthird-party cookies give MedEnvision or any advertisers (third parties) access to your personal data.
What is ‘integrated content’?
MedEnvision’s websites can redirect you to other sites using a clickable link. You will then beredirected to the website of another organization. It is possible that the website to which you havebeen redirected also uses cookies. In this case, MedEnvision recommends that you consult the termsand conditions of use of the organization concerned, which are posted on its website, and read itspolicy regarding privacy and cookies in particular.
How to manage cookies?
You are in charge of the way your cookies are managed. You can modify the settings of your browserusing your personal preferences. You may, at any time, delete the cookies installed and refuse toaccept any new cookies by modifying the settings on your browser.The websites below provides you with an overview of the most commonly used browsers and willguide you on how to configure your browser to suit your preferences: